Stumbling Kid

One thing about China’s big cities and its public places is that you’re never short of people and subjects as a photographer. There are always people around; playing, cooking, eating, fixing something.

This kid was trying to entertain himself as most kids do when holding parents’ hands.


Dunhuang Desert

These are the sand dunes of the southern gobi desert by the little oasis city of Dunhuang in China. Not my favourite part of the gobi. I was surprised to see I had to pay to walk the dunes and was amazed to find out how much just a few moments later. Unlike the large share of the rest of the gobi desert this particular area has been turned from the beautiful, demanding and uncompromising dunes into an overpriced tourist trap, a lazy man’s attraction with a road paved right to the base of the dunes. I may sound harsh and feel that it takes away from the experience but it still is a very beautiful place. And if there’s one touristy place where it’s easy to escape the crowds, this has got to be it.


Graduation in Bucharest

There was a lot of attractive, elegantly dressed young people walking around the city.  First I wasn’t sure what the occasion was. But it didn’t take long to find out it was graduation time and I’ve come across students meeting up for their high school prom night.

Here are the 3 original exposures:
And here’s the final HDR result:


Moody Lady in Belgrade

It was one of those days I felt trigger happy shoving my camera in people’s faces. I don’t tend to be too aggressive doing it, so besides a few unpleasant looks people on the streets of Belgrade were quite kind to my curious lens.

This lady looked moody miles before she approached me. Her facial expression barely gave any acknowledgement to my presence when I approached her. She didn’t even look at me but her face still spoke a fair bit.
