I’m gonna do something new today and post a photo from my phone. It’s incredibly how much camera phones have improved in recent years. A bit of colour editing and you get a wonderful image like this. It’s not of great quality and won’t do for a big print but it’s still a pleasant photo. This view is part of my daily commute and after nearly two years I’m still not tired of it
Category: Panorama shots
It’s been a while since my last post and oddly enough the blog has been getting more hits in my absence. These days I haven’t had much time to edit photos but here’s the one I did get my hands on. This is a pano shot of Marseille from Notre Dame de la Garde, which opens up a fantastic view of many parts of the city. Thanks to my very kind friend I got to spend christmas in Marseille and if my experience is anything to judge by the bad rep Marseille gets in France is not fully justified. To me it seemed a very diverse city with a lot of character and open people. I’ll be surely going back for more 🙂
Ghent Panorama
Gustaf Adolf’s square (Göteborg)
Another panorama collecting virtual dust on my hard drive. This one, just like the name suggest, is Gustaf Adolf’s square in Gothenburg. Gustaf is the man on the statue right in the middle, considered to be the city’s founding father. As always click on the pic to enlarge or download the full size.
Prague pre-sunset panorama
Taking panorama shots in crowded places could be tricky. This particular photo was an absolute pain in the butt to stich together. Moving people and different levels of light (because of a time of the day) all around the square did not help at all. But I’m satisfied with the result. …. oh almost forgot HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!!!
Click on the pic to enlarge or download a larger file.
Ljubljana main square panorama
I don’t shoot very often in the dark for whatever reason. I guess I just don’t carry my camera when go out in the evenings, maybe I’m too lazy because it sometimes implies carrying a tripod. This was one time that I did have it with me during a late night walk through Ljubljana. The main square looked so much emptier, more inviting and interesting in a different way so I decided to set up my mini tripod (which got later confiscated in sweden) and took a few shots. I think this was one of my very first panorama shots. It’s a little crooked and I didn’t quite get all of the buildings in but I think it’s still alright. (click on the pic to enlarge)