These very streets witness the sweat, blood and all the madness of the San Fermin festival and its bull running. The rest of the year it seem fairly peaceful 🙂
Tag: travel photography
Kiev Pechersk Lavra
Kiev (Kyiv) is home to a lot of interesting and beautiful historic architecture. And just like in many big cities around Europe, a lot of effort was put into making the religious buildings look apart. This is Kiev Pechersk Lavra (Києво-Печерська лавра), one of the most famous monasteries in Kiev and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Around the Reykjavik shipyard
A Quiet day in Iceland
A couple enjoying a breezy afternoon in Iceland’s capital Reykjavik.
Sunny Belgrade
My 3 days in Belgrade were accompanied by gloomy weather. The few hours when the sun did come out, so did the people filling up the streets and the parks.
This is a single file HDR with before and after photos below.
Routine walk (Beijing)
This man looked like he’s traversed this street many times over, bored, uninterested by what it had to show.