This is the area at the very south of Marseille. A truly beautiful place, this particular one is calanque de Sormiou. Hard to believe it is just a short drive away from the city. This is where the sea meets some of the rugged mediterranean coast. I imagine the sea is filled with boats around summer time, exploring every bit of the coastline. I happen to be there around christmas, with a bit of wind and moody clouds. Probably not the most popular time to go without the sun warming the sea. But it makes no difference to me, beautiful place no matter the weather.
Tag: France
Fall in Toulouse
Climbing in Ariège
Back to Toulouse
Always together
This is not a new picture on this site by any means as these two have been peering out of you screens every time you visited this modest corner on the mighty internet. I caught this in Paris by the famous Sacré-Cœur basilica. This is one of my few pics that I actually really like but you probably have guessed it by now as it always hangs above all the others. This is also the first of my pics that I ever saw in print and its copy now hangs in the library at my university.