This was a lucky shot. I was in a Paris metro chatting away with my friend when the wagon slipped above ground. I quickly grabbed my camera and tried to capture the view. The autofocus did its job and fortunately the Eiffel tower got into the frame, top to bottom, right before it disappeared again a fraction of a second later.
I have a number of photos of this view as it used to be a part of my daily commute. I remember thinking that particular evening that the sky seemed on fire, and luckily I had a camera in my backpack. I took several shots, one without the tree branch on top. I decided to post the one with the branch. It does create a visual distraction but I sort of like it this way, reminds me of the other side of the river.
When time permits I like surfing the web for other people’s photoblogs and portfolios. These days I’ve been leaning towards old school photography, analog type work. The only camera I own is digital and I don’t really have much experience in processing analog photos. It’s definitely something I would love to do more of. For now though, I figured with a bit of “digital wizardry” I could try to imitate the end result. Photographers who work with analog cameras seem to take certain pleasure from processing their photos. I, too, enjoy a reasonable amount of processing, in my case digital. The process is, of course, completely different and in this particular case the end result isn’t quite analog, but it’s still fun 🙂
I’ve been meaning to post this photo for a while. This is a view of Marseille from the south of the city. This particular spot is where I took the photo of calanque de Sormiou. You can also see the Notre Dame de la Garde (on the hill), where I took the panoramic photo of Marseille.
I’m gonna do something new today and post a photo from my phone. It’s incredibly how much camera phones have improved in recent years. A bit of colour editing and you get a wonderful image like this. It’s not of great quality and won’t do for a big print but it’s still a pleasant photo. This view is part of my daily commute and after nearly two years I’m still not tired of it