Street in Lijiang

Lijiang is a place with lots of history and is mostly known for its cute, very Chinese city center. Its streets are probably how an average foreigner imagines old China must have looked like. Evidently it’s a place packed with tourists, both foreign and local trying get a taste of an escaping part of China.



Man in Dunhuang

I’ve decided to make this week a China week. In my short time there I have managed to travel from east all the way to its western borders and back. It’s a massive country and only after having done the trip I’ve truly realized how massive and diverse it is. This is in Dunhuang, in the Gansu province. Dunhuang is a tiny city by Chinese standards and is a part of China where things seem to be going at a slower pace.


Bicycle Ride (Beijing)

Well it’s been a while since my last post. All the moving around has kept me away from posting. I’m now finally settled in my new apartment with a proper internet connection. As I said I’ve been travelling in recent months and have taken tons of new pics all over the world.

This one is in Beijing in of its many hutongs, which make Beijing so unique, at least in my eyes. Traffic in Beijing is quite intense, like in many big asian cities, and getting in the mix of it on a bike is fun. It’s a nice way to explore the city.
