Along the Hutong

One of my favourite things about Beijing is its Hutongs, little alleys all around the city that define Beijing in many ways. Some are very commercial nowadays, with modern coffee shops and some are more hidden and are mostly residential. And it’s the residential ones that I find representative of the city, or at least the traditional part of the city. The number of these hutongs has been decreasing over the years. Maybe because of people moving to better equipped modern apartments or development and more profitable use of the land. Whatever it is, it’s surely killing parts of the traditional Beijing.


Alley in Guangzhou

Guangzhou was my last stop in China before crossing over the pacific back to Canada. Last days of long trips always feel slightly different. It’s easy to become a little lazy and soft, seeing how things are about to end and close another chapter. In that sense Guangzhou is a nice place to end your travels. It has lots of interesting things to offer and is easy to explore, even if one feels a bit lazy.


Stumbling Kid

One thing about China’s big cities and its public places is that you’re never short of people and subjects as a photographer. There are always people around; playing, cooking, eating, fixing something.

This kid was trying to entertain himself as most kids do when holding parents’ hands.


Dunhuang Desert

These are the sand dunes of the southern gobi desert by the little oasis city of Dunhuang in China. Not my favourite part of the gobi. I was surprised to see I had to pay to walk the dunes and was amazed to find out how much just a few moments later. Unlike the large share of the rest of the gobi desert this particular area has been turned from the beautiful, demanding and uncompromising dunes into an overpriced tourist trap, a lazy man’s attraction with a road paved right to the base of the dunes. I may sound harsh and feel that it takes away from the experience but it still is a very beautiful place. And if there’s one touristy place where it’s easy to escape the crowds, this has got to be it.
