I really enjoy taking random shots like this one, trying to capture a wee taste of the street or simply a fragment of someone’s life. Here nothing is planned and the spontaneity of the environment subtly suggest a subject and mood. It simply takes luck and a little attention to respond to it.
Love locks
Today I’m feeling inspirational so I’ll be posting 3 whole pictures. The first one in particular has once been selected as a cover for my local university newspaper, a copy of which proudly collects dust somewhere in the corner of my room. All three pictures are from the same place in Prague, just next to the famous “Lennon wall”. Those who’ve been to Prague have probably seen both.
The story goes that couples/newlyweds come to this spot and put a lock onto the metal bar as a symbol of their strong, unbreakable, everlasting, solid as a lock love. I’ve seen a few similar places in Europe but this one stands out in my memory a little more than the others.
On the way up the Chief
Stawamus Chief or just Chief as it’s known is the second largest granite monolith in the world standing at 700m high. It’s famous for rock climbing but there’s also a way to conquer this massive rock through a fairly short hike. On a good clear day one can find himself facing a great view, however, even on a cloudy day the excitement and thrill of looking down a cliff with a drop of several hundred meters is a feeling worth the hike by itself.

Wines wines wines …
I’m not exactly what they call knowledgable when it comes to wine. But one doesn’t need to be to enjoy the contents of these dark inviting bottles. I really like wine shops. I think I might have posted a pic of this particular one in Bordeaux, full of the city’s world famous wines. I don’t think I did a particularly a great job focusing and making sure my camera is set right for this shot but I still do like the composition. I mean look at all the wine:P

Sunny Days
So here’s my attempt at posting more often than my usual twice a week, on Tuesday and Friday. These days Vancouver has been generous enough to indulge us with a number of sunny days. It’s not beach sunny but still is a nice break before the winter comes knocking, with months of rain it always carries. But it’s not here yet so in the spirit of good weather here’s a warm little picture.
With all the protests going on around the world about economic and social inequality, and one to start soon here in Vancouver, my thoughts today were primarily taken up by this topic. So naturally, as I surfed through virtual folders to choose a pic to post I seemed to be mainly stopping by the pics of homeless or lets say less economically fortunate people.
This guy “occupied” the stairs leading up to the church, in Ljubljana, his disinterested expression and his fixed, almost glued together, frame suggests that he might have been sitting there for a while. I imagine slightly different mood will take place when people “occupy” Vancouver tomorrow.