Ernest has been here

Pamplona is famous for its encierro; the running of the bulls and the festival of San Fermín, which a lot of people claim to be the craziest party/festival in the world. But some people better know it through Hemingway and his travels in northern Spain, which inspired some of his books. So when standing in the central plaza, not too far from a little cafe named after him I couldn’t help but spare a thought that Hemingway must have surely been here.



City everyone loves

Barcelona is one of those cities that people always speak highly of, at least in my circles. Despite being to Barca a few times I feel like I don’t quite know the city well enough like I’ve never experienced it the way it meant to be. Or maybe my curiosity is just lusting for more, for something else so I could form my own opinion. But If Catalonian hospitality and the people I’ve met are anything to judge by it just might be my kinda city. (As always press the pic to enlarge or download the full size)

City everyone loves



This is in Retiro Park in Madrid. A really cool place full of different people: some are rollerblading, some are jogging, others are trying to sell you various things and some are just performing like this guy. I wish I had a video camera to record how it all came out with music. But maybe a picture will do ; )

Madrid, Spain