This was during one of the first days of the occupy protests in Vancouver. I shot it as I was passing through on my way home. Whether you support the movement or are against it, you can’t fault this particular message. More heart to all of you in 2012!!!
Category: Photo Blog
Water St.
Prague pre-sunset panorama
Taking panorama shots in crowded places could be tricky. This particular photo was an absolute pain in the butt to stich together. Moving people and different levels of light (because of a time of the day) all around the square did not help at all. But I’m satisfied with the result. …. oh almost forgot HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!!!
Click on the pic to enlarge or download a larger file.
Lunch Break (Florence)
Love is Red
there is no other colour scheme
my love is red, as red as red can be
Looking at this photo I decided to google Love is Red and came across these lyrics from a song by David Poe. I’ve never heard of him/them before but thought it was appropriate for this post.
Here’s the link for the song if you’re interested or happen to be a fan:

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Budapest Sunrise
I must be about the most careless and forgetful photographer out there. I have a tendency of uploading newly taken pictures on one of the hard drives and completely forgetting about them until a certain mood strikes or I randomly open some old folder. I don’t think this is due to some laziness because I do edit my pictures whenever I have free time.
The upside of this is I do get pleasantly surprised, reminded of forgotten pictures and memories. I came across this photo today shuffling through old folders and I don’t remember ever seeing it before. I had 2 shots for “panoramic” purposes, I stitched them together and quickly edited a few things and voila.
I didn’t have the 3 shots with different exposures I often take, but 1 turned out to be fine. It’s amazing how much data a single shot can carry.
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