I’ve decided to post a few more photos from the Juan de Fuca trail in the coming days. Here’s one of them. This is the beginning of the trail, if you start south. If I’m not mistaken it’s about 4 kms in right at the first beach, you can still see some people who just came in for a day. People are a rarer sight as you go farther in.
Category: British Columbia
About a wave and a rock
I’ve been a little busy these days (again) to edit anything new so here’s one from the already processed photos from the Juan de Fuca trail.
Rainforest (Vancouver island)
I feel like posting more photos from the juan de fuca trail. Since the whole trail is pretty much through a rainforest, this is a very typical sight on the trail.
Tibetan Prayer Flags
These are, as the name suggests, the tibetan prayer flags. They are usually set along mountain ridges as It is believed that the prayers will be blown by the wind to spread the good will and compassion into all pervading space. They are thought to bring benefit to all. I took this photo on top of Stawamus Chief (or just chief) in Squamish. To be more precise on top of the third peak, the highest section of the chief.
Rocks and Waves
This is one of the beaches on Juan de Fuca trail on Vancouver Island. Not the most beautiful beach on the trail with its big bulky rocks, but still a great place to sit back and relax to the sound of waves trying to reach the rocks.